DLBE Researcher Entry Connect and share your research with others in the DLBE field. Name(Required) First Last TitleSchool AffiliationEmail(Required) Website Tell us about the languages other than English represented in your researchClick all that apply Spanish Chinese/Mandarin French German Vietnamese Hmong Arabic Japanese Portuguese Russian What area(s) of research are you engaged in?Select the one that most closely describes your area of research. See descriptions of each area below. Talent Development Program Practices Policy Impact Talent Development – Research that examines the preparation of bilingual educators to work in Dual Language Bilingual Education programs. This includes teachers, principals, and school and district administrators. You may read more about this research area in the DLBE Research Agenda. Program Practices – Research that interrogates the organizational, pedagogical, and curricular practices specifically linked to DLBE program outcomes. This may include but not be limited to course taking, graduation rates, college attendance, test scores, trajectories of bilingualism and practices related to family engagement. You may read more about this research area in the DLBE Research Agenda. Policy Impact – Research related to federal, state, and local policies, demographic and social changes connection to program design and issues related to curriculum development, adoption, implementation and evaluation. You may read more about this research area in the DLBE Research Agenda. Who are your focal participants? Students Teachers Administrators/staff Families Institutions KeywordsSelect up to 5 key words that you associate with your scholarly work. Assessment Bilingualism/Biliteracy development Content Areas (Math, Science, Art, STEM, etc.) Contexts: rural, international, urban Curriculum DLBE – General Elementary Families/Parents/Communities Heritage language education Higher education Identity/Intersectionality Language attitudes and ideologies Language policy Multilingualism Multilingual pragmatics Other than Spanish languages Positionality Preschool Program mode/language allocation Secondary education Sociolinguistics Special Education Teacher Education/Administrator preparation Technology Third language learners and users Translanguaging Other Other KeywordsSuggest other key words that you associate with your scholarly workWhich research methodologies do you primarily apply in your work?(Required)Click on all that apply Quantitative research Qualitative research Mixed methodology Research Practice Partnerships Other PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.