The MLRC Speaker Series highlights current research related to the teaching and learning of multilingual learners. Every first Thursday of the month, a researcher or team of researchers is invited to share insights, findings or learnings from their research. Recordings are posted within one week of the event.
Narék Sahakyan presents Examining Multilingual Learners’ Proficiency on Standardized Assessments: Trends and Disparities Across the WIDA Consortium

Each year hundreds of thousands of students start their academic journeys in American schools identified as English learners. These multilingual learners remain EL status until they reach state-established criteria of English proficiency, as measured through annual high-stakes standardized assessments. This study examines EL students’ English proficiency in WIDA states, focusing on disparities in outcomes across several EL subgroups, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated some of these disparities.
Narék Sahakyan is a researcher in the Assessment Department at WIDA, housed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Center for Education Research. With a background in mathematical models (BS, Yerevan, Armenia, 2002), applied economics (MS, UW-Madison, 2009), and Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (PhD, UW-Madison, 2024), Narék’s research interests are at the intersection of student assessment and multilingual learners’ educational policy. Narék leads the WIDA Research Subcommittee, a rotating group of SEA representatives from WIDA states that guide WIDA’s research agenda. Narék also collaborates with Departments of Education across WIDA states providing guidance and technical assistance to staff in State Educational Agencies on state, district and school accountability models and offer guidance in examining policies on EL identification, assessment, and reclassification.
Igone Arteagoitia presents Exemplary Dual Language Bilingual Education Programs: What does it take?

Dual language bilingual education (DLBE) programs are diverse in contexts, and have variation in implementation, making it more difficult to determine what factors contribute to their success. For that reason, it is critical to compile evidence from successful DLBE programs to provide a basis for replication and to achieve better fidelity of implementation of these programs, especially as the demand continues to grow. Using the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (Howard et al., 2018) as a framework, we set out to document some of the characteristics observed in two DLBE programs on the basis of students’ reading performance (Arteagoitia & Yen, 2020).
Dr. Igone Arteagoitia is a Research Scientist at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington DC, USA, whose research focuses on language and literacy instruction in linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms. Her most recent work, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, investigated characteristics of dual language bilingual instruction in high achieving programs by analyzing state-wide longitudinal data in the two program languages. She has published her research in peer-reviewed publications, including TESOL Quarterly, Bilingual Research Journal and the Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction.
Dual language bilingual education (DLBE) programs provide language and content instruction in English and a partner language with a goal of promoting high academic achievement, bilingualism and biliteracy, and socio-cultural competence. While there is considerable evidence about the success of DLBE programs, the vast majority of the research has focused on English cross-sectional outcomes. Furthermore, there is very little research on the specific school-wide characteristics or effective instructional methods that promote high academic achievement in the two languages (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017).
Participants attending this session will learn about a study conducted with funding from the U.S. Department of Education to compile evidence from high achieving DLBE programs regarding programmatic and instructional practices through case studies with the goal to provide a basis for replication of these practices in other programs with similar characteristics. Findings from one of the case studies will be shared in this presentation.
Arteagoitia, I. & Yen, S.J. (2020). Equity in representing literacy growth in dual language bilingual education for emerging bilingual learners. TESOL Quarterly, 54(3), 719-742.
Howard, E. R., Lindholm-Leary, K., & Rogers, D., Olague, N., Medina, J., Kennedy, B., Sugarman, J., Christian, D. (2018). Guiding principles for dual language education (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Promoting the Educational Success of Children and Youth Learning English: Promising Futures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Trish Morita-Mullaney presents Lau and Brown at Odds?: Historicizing Language Rights and Racial Integration for Transformative Education

This study reveals the accurate history of the Lau v. Nichols (1974), which failed to provide appropriate instructional programming to 1,800 students of Chinese ancestry who did not speak English, through voices of Chinese American educators and activists.
Trish Morita-Mullaney recieved her Ph.D. in Language, Literacy & Culture from Purdue University, Indianapolis. Her research focuses on the intersections between language learning, gender and race and how this informs the identity acts of educators or bilingual students.
The seminal Supreme Court language rights case, Lau v. Nichols (1974) found that the San Francisco Unified School District’s failed to provide adequate and appropriate instructional programming to 1,800 students of Chinese ancestry who did not speak English. Simultaneous with Lau was the requirement for racial integration, complicating how language services were furnished. Through the voices of Chinese American educators and activists, the story of Lau and Brown is historicized, revealing the complexities of building racial and linguistic equity.
Xuan Zhou presents Urban STEM Teachers' Social-Emotional Competencies and Teaching Efficacy in Post-Pandemic Workplace on January 9th, 2025

This study investigated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers’ social-emotional competencies, professional development in social-emotional learning, and teaching self-efficacy in urban secondary schools serving many English learners. Findings revealed significant gaps in teaching self-efficacy and social-emotional competencies following the pandemic, with limited engagement in professional development focused on social-emotional learning.
Dr. Xuan Zhou received her Ph.D. degree in Educational Psychology with an emphasis on Bilingual/ESL Education from Texas A&M University, College Station. Her research interests include STEM education for bilingual/multilingual learners, STEM teacher training, learning engagement, and educational program evaluation.
This study examined the status of STEM teachers’ Social-Emotional Competencies (SEC), PD engagement in social-emotional learning (SEL), and level of teaching self-efficacy (TSE) in urban secondary public schools that serve students with a large proportion of English learners. Results show that there are significant gaps between the current and optimal status of urban STEM teachers’ TSE and SEC during the post-pandemic workplace. Moreover, this study found urban STEM teachers lacked PD engagement in SEL during the post-pandemic, and their PD engagement in SEL was identified as having significant impacts on the promotion of STEM teachers’ TSE via their SEC.
Megan Montee presents Multilingualism for all? U.S. World Language Policies and Implications for Multilingual Learners

U.S. K-12 English language and world language education are often two divergent areas of policy and practice. Using data from a policy analysis, this presentation discusses how U.S. language education can support of multilingual development for all students.
Meg Montee is the director of the Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center and an associate research professor in linguistics at Georgetown University. Her primary research interests are language testing and program evaluation. She also researches language policy and leads projects to support and expand language education in the U.S
Multilingualism has clear benefits at the individual and social level, and assets-based approaches to English language education are increasingly focused on the multilingual resources and identities of students. However, there are limited programmatic structures that support teaching and learning in languages other than English for Multilingual Learners (MLs). At the same time, the need for the expansion of language capacity and skills in the U.S. has long been clear (Jackson & Malone, 2009; American Academy, 2017; ACTFL, 2019), emphasizing the need for more expansive world language education offerings. Drawing from previous discussions of the need for more coherent language education policy (Christian, 2007) and with new data, this presentation discusses the implications of U.S. world language policy for MLs. While federal requirements govern English language education, no central federal policy establishes requirements for languages other than English, and thus state laws and codes play a prominent role in shaping K-12 contexts. I review current policies across the U. S. for the teaching and learning of world languages, including elementary, middle, and high school world language program offerings; required graduation credits for world language; bridge programs or other pathways from high school to college language study; and world language requirements for graduation and achieving the Seal of Biliteracy. Implications for MLs include equitable access to world language education, the awarding of credit for language proficiency for graduation, and state practices for awarding the Seal. Findings from the policy analysis show a range of state policy profiles with different degrees and types of requirements, and the resulting synthesis highlights barriers and opportunities for world language education programs with specific attention to equity for MLs. The presentation ends with considerations for a more expansive and coherent approach to U.S. language education that bridges English and world languages in support of multilingual development for all students.
Megan Madigan Peercy, Jessica Crawford, Daisy Fredricks, and Loren Jones present Moving Humanizing Principles to Practice: How We’re Using Core Practices for Teaching MLLs
Peercy et al. have found that teacher educators often welcome opportunities to hear about the details of one other’s pedagogical decision-making, but rarely get to gather these insights. In this webinar, they discuss how they are using the core practices research and materials in their own teaching. They describe the pedagogical work the core practices entail and how approaching methods courses in this way has changed their teaching with different kinds of teacher populations. They also share empirical, theoretical, and pedagogical considerations and next steps in this work.

Megan Madigan Peercy is Professor and Special Assistant to the Provost at the University of Maryland. Her research examines pedagogies of teacher education and the preparation and development of teachers throughout their careers, as they work with linguistically and culturally diverse learners. She is deeply invested in understanding the ways in which practice and theory can be in dialogue. Her research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation, the Institute of Education Sciences, and the Maryland State Department of Education. Examples of her recent work appear in Teaching and Teacher Education, TESOL Quarterly, and TESOL Journal. She is the 2024 recipient of the Leadership Through Research Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Second Language Research SIG.
Jessica Crawford is a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics and Language Education in the University of Maryland’s Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership. Currently, she teaches courses and supervises graduate and undergraduate students at UMD. She earned a MA in TESOL from Penn State University and MEd in Reading Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Virginia. Her research interests include TESOL teacher education, the literacy and biliteracy development of multilingual youth, and asset-based, culturally sustaining pedagogies. Before coming to UMD, she had over a decade of classroom teaching experience as an elementary teacher and ESOL specialist mostly in public elementary schools. Jessica has also taught English in Tajikistan, Ecuador, and Taiwan.
Loren Jones, Ph.D., is Associate Clinical Professor and TESOL Certification Programs Coordinator in the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in the College of Education at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her 2023 co-authored book titled Teaching young multilingual learners: Key issues and new insights, outlines culturally sustaining teaching practices that are critical for working with multilingual learners. Some of her other recent work has been published in TESOL Journal, The Teacher Educator, and Computers & Education.
Daisy Fredricks is the Director of Teacher Education and an Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and Community Innovation at Grand Valley State University. Her current research focuses on humanizing pedagogies and core practices for teaching multilingual learners in PK-12 classrooms. She served as an elementary and middle school classroom teacher in Michigan, Texas, and Arizona.
Megan Madigan Peercy, Johanna Tigert, Daisy Fredricks, & Melanie Hardy-Skeberdis, present Leveraging Core Practices to Support Teachers’ Humanizing Pedagogy with MLLs
In this webinar, Madigan Peercy and team share an overview of the six core practices for teaching multilingual students that we have developed in collaboration with early career teachers. These practices emerged in response to the gap that Faltis & Valdes (2016) identified regarding the lack of direction offered to teacher educators about “the kinds of knowledge, skills, and inclinations teachers need to develop in order to be good and effective teachers and advocates for students who are speaking a language other than English” (p. 549). We highlight the core practices, share classroom examples, discuss how they support teachers’ humanizing pedagogy with MLLs, offer resources for teacher and teacher educator development, and describe our current and future efforts to further this research.

Megan Madigan Peercy is Professor and Special Assistant to the Provost at the University of Maryland. Her research examines pedagogies of teacher education and the preparation and development of teachers throughout their careers, as they work with linguistically and culturally diverse learners. She is deeply invested in understanding the ways in which practice and theory can be in dialogue. Her research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation, the Institute of Education Sciences, and the Maryland State Department of Education. Examples of her recent work appear in Teaching and Teacher Education, TESOL Quarterly, and TESOL Journal. She is the 2024 recipient of the Leadership Through Research Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Second Language Research SIG.
Johanna Tigert, Ph.D., is Senior Lecturer of Education at the Rauma Department of Teacher Education at the University of Turku, Finland. Dr. Tigert earned her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at the University of Maryland. Her research focuses on the teaching and learning of multilingual and immigrant-background students. She is particularly interested in supporting teachers across content areas to teach multilingual students in culturally sustaining and humanizing ways. Her recent research has been published in Teachers College Record, Studies in Art Education, and TESOL Quarterly.
Daisy Fredricks is the Director of Teacher Education and an Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and Community Innovation at Grand Valley State University. Her current research focuses on humanizing pedagogies and core practices for teaching multilingual learners in PK-12 classrooms. She served as an elementary and middle school classroom teacher in Michigan, Texas, and Arizona.
Mel Hardy-Skeberdis is a soon-to-be-defending PhD candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park in the department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership. She has a double specialization in Teacher Education & Professional Development and in Applied Linguistics and Literacy Education.
Jackie E. Relyea presents Multilingual Learners’ Reading and Writing in Content-Rich Literacy Instruction
How can young multilingual learners excel in reading and writing in English while building content knowledge in content-area classrooms? This presentation shares evidence from a randomized controlled trial on the Tier 1 content literacy intervention known as the Model of Reading Engagement (MORE). It highlights the effectiveness of MORE’s integrated approach in improving reading and writing outcomes for multilingual learners and their English-proficient peers.

Jackie E. Relyea, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Literacy Education in the College of Education at North Carolina State University. Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of literacy instruction and interventions designed to improve learning opportunities for multilingual students and enhance their reading comprehension and writing outcomes. Her projects have received support from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), American Educational Research Association-National Science Foundation (AERA-NSF), Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), and Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. She is currently an Editorial Fellow of the Journal of Educational Psychology. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and served as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and University of Houston.
Representing 10.4% of U.S. schoolchildren, multilingual learners (MLs), especially English learners (ELs), face the dual challenges of learning academic content while acquiring a new language. Often removed from mainstream classrooms for specialized language instruction, there is a growing consensus on the benefits of integrating them into regular content-area classes to ensure equitable learning opportunities (Baker et al., 2016; Goldenberg & Cárdenas-Hagan, 2023). However, rigorous evaluation of the impact of classroom-based content-integrated literacy instruction on the young MLs remains limited.
This study assesses the effectiveness of the Tier 1 content literacy intervention, MORE, on improving reading and argumentative writing abilities in Grades 1 and 2 among MLs and their English-proficient (EP) peers. The focus is on “for whom” and “how” the MORE intervention works, exploring the differential impacts by language status and the underlying mechanisms that drive significant outcomes for MLs.
This randomized controlled control intervention study was conducted across 30 elementary schools (307 classrooms) in an urban U.S. school district with 5,397 student participants. In the 10-week MORE intervention with 20 lessons in science and social studies thematic units, the core components included interactive read-alouds with informational texts, vocabulary network building through concept mapping, and argumentative writing and research collaboration. The study evaluated students’ reading (using MAP and DIBELS), science and social studies vocabulary knowledge and argumentative writing abilities, and English oral proficiency (WIDA ACCESS). Analyses focused on moderation (to address the “for whom” question) and mediation (to uncover “how”).
While the intervention did not significantly improve standardized reading proficiency scores, it significantly improved argumentative writing in science (ES = 0.25) and social studies (ES = 0.42) for both MLs and EPs. The MORE intervention impact on reading proficiency among MLs was fully mediated by their domain-specific (science and social studies) vocabulary knowledge and English oral proficiency. A significant indirect effect on social studies argumentative writing through domain-specific vocabulary knowledge was also observed. The content-integrated literacy instruction in MORE, rich in both language and content, promotes equitable learning opportunities for MLs/ELs, ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed.
Haiwen Chu presents Multilingual Learners Co-Constructing Proofs and Representations: Linking Language and Logic
Adolescent students who are bureaucratically designated “English Learners” have immense potential to learn mathematics while they simultaneously develop language to both explore inductively and prove deductively. We share evidence of learning from field trials of a summer bridge course exploring cross-cutting concepts of mathematics. The particular examples of language and learning are from a module about how to represent and analyze networks, including proofs of impossibility, by induction, and by exhaustion.
Haiwen Chu is a Research Manager for the English Learner and Migrant Education Services content area team at WestEd. He serves a co-Principal Investigator on the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. Dr. Chu draws upon his experiences as a high school mathematics teacher to design educative curriculum materials to expand the capacity of mathematics teachers across the country to challenge and support their students who are bureaucratically designated as “English Learners”.
Secondary students who are bureaucratically designated as “English Learners” are a large and growing population, having increased to over 2 million students in 2020, an increase of 33% since 2009 (Irwin et al., 2024). Yet, such students, who are part of the broader group of Multilingual Learners, have been denied opportunities to ambitious mathematics learning due to systemic barriers and outdated beliefs about language (de Araujo & Smith, 2022). At the same time, there is emerging consensus about best practices for Multilingual Learners, including using meaningful contexts, connecting and creating representations, and varying the intensity of scaffolding (Roberts et al., 2021; Wilson & Smith, 2022; Chu et al., 2023)
As part of an iterative design and development project, researchers created a three-week summer bridge program for rising ninth graders in mathematics and Multilingual Learners in particular. The Reimagining and Amplifying Mathematics Participation, Understanding, and Practices (RAMPUP) program engaged students in investigations of cross-cutting concepts such as patterns and equivalence. The data for the present study were gathered during field tests of a module on mapping and transforming networks.
The descriptive question is focused on how did English Learners and their classmates use language and representations to make different kinds of arguments. The improvement questions were focused on the design and sequencing of activities aligned with the best recommendations of contexts, representations, and scaffolding.
To answer these questions, we observed classes, typed live “scripts” of student talk, photographed small group action, and gathered student work. Specific to the design of materials, we also solicited feedback about the usability and feasibility of the materials. These data were collected during field tests at three sites over two summers. Analysis was an iterative process, with analytic memos, vignettes of key junctures in classroom action, and longitudinal analysis of student growth over time.
We provide evidence of students’ work and talk around three kinds of proof: of impossibility, by induction, and by exhaustion. We describe the bidirectional relationship between real-world contexts and representations: 1) students use representations to model real-world contexts; and, 2) students draw upon real-world experiences or ideas to reason about, describe, and stretch their understandings of representations. We demonstrate how their written products reflect multimodal approaches that weave together elements from multiple symbol systems.