Face-to-face opportunities to engage with MLRC staff to explore research insights into teaching multilingual learners.
MLRC Speaker Series: Madigan Peercy et al
Megan Madigan Peercy, Johanna Tigert, Daisy Fredricks, & Melanie Hardy-Skeberdis present Leveraging Core Practices to Support Teachers’ Humanizing Pedagogy with MLLs. Registration required. In this webinar, we share an overview […]
MLRC Speaker Series: Madigan Peercy et al
Megan Madigan Peercy, Jessica Crawford, Daisy Fredricks, and Loren Jones present Moving Humanizing Principles to Practice: How We’re Using Core Practices for Teaching MLLs. Registration required. This webinar provides a […]
Research Symposium: Vietnam
Saigon South International School 78 Nguyễn Đức Cảnh, Tân Phong, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Viet NamThe MLRC Research Symposia are two-day in-person workshops focused on 1) evidence about teaching multilingual learners and 2) designing action research projects. After the workshop, teams receive ongoing synchronous and asynchronous […]
Speaker Series: Megan Montee
U.S. K-12 English language and world language education are often two divergent areas of policy and practice. Using data from a policy analysis, Montee will discuss how U.S. language education […]
Webinar: Accelerating Improvement through Action Research
We’re thrilled to partner with AMISA to bring you an insightful webinar on supporting multilingual learners. Join Jon Nordmeyer, MLRC School Network Director, and Dr. Esther Bettney Heidt, MLRC School […]
Speaker Series: Xuan Zhou
Xuan Zhou presents Urban STEM Teachers' Social-Emotional Competencies and Teaching Efficacy in Post-Pandemic Workplace on January 9th, 2025. This study investigated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers’ social-emotional competencies, professional […]
Research Symposium: Italy
Marymount International School Rome Via di Villa Lauchli, 180,, Roma, ItalyThe MLRC Research Symposia are two-day in-person workshops focused on 1) evidence about teaching multilingual learners and 2) designing action research projects. After the workshop, teams receive ongoing synchronous and […]
MLRC Speaker Series: Trish Morita-Mullaney
Dr. Trish Morita-Mullaney from Purdue University will present "Lau and Brown at Odds? Historicizing Language Rights and Racial Integration for Transformative Education" This talk will explore two landmark Supreme Court […]
Research Symposia: Argentina
Lincoln - The American International School Andrés Ferreyra 4073, La Lucila, Provincia de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaThe MLRC Research Symposia are two-day in-person workshops focused on 1) evidence about teaching multilingual learners and 2) designing action research projects. After the workshop, teams receive ongoing synchronous and asynchronous virtual […]
MLRC Speaker Series: Igone Arteagoitia
Igone Arteagoitia presents Exemplary Dual Language Bilingual Education Programs: What does it take? Dual language bilingual education (DLBE) programs are diverse in contexts, and have variation in implementation, making it […]